
We will keep your participation in this research study confidential to the extent permitted by law. However, it is possible that other people such as federal government regulatory agencies, auditing departments of the University of Iowa, and the University of Iowa Institutional Review Board (a committee that reviews and approves research studies) study and may inspect and copy records pertaining to this research. Some of these records could contain information that personally identifies you. All data collected for this study is electronic. To help protect your confidentiality, we will store data pertaining to your involvement in this research study on password-protected computer files on the University of Iowa servers or within a private Amazon Web Services account protected by two-factor authentication.

If we write a report or article about this study or share the study data set with others, we will do so in such a way that you cannot be directly identified.

Health Information Use

The Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires your healthcare provider to obtain your permission for the research team to access or create "protected health information" about you for purposes of this research study.

Protected health information is information that personally identifies you and relates to your past, present, or future physical or mental health condition or care. We will access or create health information about you, as described in this document, for purposes of this research study and for your treatment. If your health care provider has disclosed your protected health information to us, it may no longer be protected by the Federal HIPAA privacy regulations, but we will continue to protect your confidentiality as described under "Confidentiality." We may share your health information related to this study with other parties including federal government regulatory agencies, the University of Iowa Institutional Review Boards and support staff.

You cannot participate in this study unless you permit us to use your protected health information. If you choose not to allow us to use your protected health information, we will discuss any non-research alternatives available to you. Your decision will not affect your right to medical care that is not research related. In addition to this we monitor and comply with University of Iowa privacy policy which can be found here:

Except where explicitly stated otherwise in the informed consent document provided to you.